E. coli


State AvgAverage DevStandard Deviation MaxMaximum MinMinimum
NSW 5281.51 10657.71 60000 0
WA 12663.1 161798.9 4600000 0
SA 2089.06 11482.84 243000 0
VIC 11490.61 67497.51 1700000 0
TAS 4580.64 27119.51 633413.1 0
NT 5961.25 22643.76 268782 0
QLD 53.53 142 1504 0

The monthly total of E. coli in

Location JanJanuary FebFebruary MarMarch AprApril MayMay JunJune JulJuly AugAugust SepSeptember OctOctober NovNovember DecDecember

The monthly total of E. coli in