State | AvgAverage | DevStandard Deviation | MaxMaximum | MinMinimum |
NSW | 1432.83 | 1091.7 | 15001 | 0 |
TAS | 1248.64 | 867.25 | 6100 | 0 |
NT | 962.73 | 474.11 | 2400 | 343 |
VIC | 3968.65 | 1655.73 | 6700 | 1520 |
The monthly total of Electrical conductivity in
Location | JanJanuary | FebFebruary | MarMarch | AprApril | MayMay | JunJune | JulJuly | AugAugust | SepSeptember | OctOctober | NovNovember | DecDecember |
The monthly total of Electrical conductivity in