Outflow volume


State AvgAverage DevStandard Deviation MaxMaximum MinMinimum
QLD 40.22 318.49 42840 0
SA 586.71 1578.97 36793 0
WA 902.27 1416.69 5892.19 0
NSW 70.22 559.1 19561.43 0
TAS 86.03 164.55 2417 0
NT 345.26 289.55 1557.83 7.37
VIC 1598.22 3893.72 19422.61 0

The monthly total of Outflow volume in

Location JanJanuary FebFebruary MarMarch AprApril MayMay JunJune JulJuly AugAugust SepSeptember OctOctober NovNovember DecDecember

The monthly total of Outflow volume in