State | AvgAverage | DevStandard Deviation | MaxMaximum | MinMinimum |
NSW | 1113.49 | 574.96 | 2917 | 4 |
WA | 921.48 | 1107.92 | 8390 | 234 |
SA | 5447.46 | 16607.37 | 280000 | 0 |
VIC | 2434.94 | 9718.46 | 230000 | 0 |
The monthly total of Total dissolved solids in
Location | JanJanuary | FebFebruary | MarMarch | AprApril | MayMay | JunJune | JulJuly | AugAugust | SepSeptember | OctOctober | NovNovember | DecDecember |
The monthly total of Total dissolved solids in