Total phosphorus


State AvgAverage DevStandard Deviation MaxMaximum MinMinimum
TAS 5.6 8.56 576 0
NSW 2.93 3.18 77 0
WA 4.09 3.18 15 0
SA 5.52 4.83 63.64 0
VIC 7.34 19.9 724 0
NT 4.63 2.47 10.9 0.09
QLD 1.67 2.4 85.4 0

The monthly total of Total phosphorus in

Location JanJanuary FebFebruary MarMarch AprApril MayMay JunJune JulJuly AugAugust SepSeptember OctOctober NovNovember DecDecember

The monthly total of Total phosphorus in