State | AvgAverage | DevStandard Deviation | MaxMaximum | MinMinimum |
NSW | 42.47 | 68.52 | 201 | 0.35 |
WA | 68.16 | 95.1 | 320 | 0.4 |
SA | 13.94 | 30.08 | 230 | 0 |
VIC | 130.58 | 1628.78 | 34000 | 0 |
NT | 115 | 76.1 | 377 | 8.51 |
QLD | 0.81 | 0.69 | 9.1 | 0.03 |
The monthly total of Turbidity in
Location | JanJanuary | FebFebruary | MarMarch | AprApril | MayMay | JunJune | JulJuly | AugAugust | SepSeptember | OctOctober | NovNovember | DecDecember |
The monthly total of Turbidity in