South Australia

Bolivar WWTP

The Bolivar wastewater treatment plant is the largest sewage plant in South Australia and serves Adelaide suburbs north of the River Torrens and as far east as Glen Osmond. By using secondary level treatment, this plant discharges the treated water via 11 km outfall open channel to coastal marine waters at St Kilda north of the plant. Approximately 30% of treated wastewater is recycled for irrigation of market gardens at Virginia after treatment through the Bolivar Dissolved Air Flotation & Filtration (DAFF) plant. After additional chlorination, supply to dual reticulation network at Mawson Lakes.

Managed by South Australian Water Corporation

Scale165 ML/day
Population serviced»434,000
Treatment levelSecondary
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The monthly average of assessable pollutants and total flow volume in Bolivar WWTP on

IndIndicatorIndicator MeasMeasMeasure JanJanuary FebFebruary MarMarch AprApril MayMay JunJune JulJuly AugAugust SepSeptember OctOctober NovNovember DecDecember

The monthly average of assessable pollutants and total flow volume in Bolivar WWTP on

Let us know if you see anything happening near your local outfall.

It might be unusual water conditions, sightings of marine animals or even just a great picture.

Let us know of changes that might affect the outfall area, including any upcoming consultation processes that the community needs to know about!

Don't forget - if it's urgent - make sure you contact the EPA in your local state or territory!

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