

Maroochy River outfall accommodates two wastewater treatment plants (Maroochydore and Nambour). The Nambour WWTP serves the area of Nambour. Approximately 9.8 ML of treated effluent is released daily via an outfall pipe in Maroochy River at approx. 5 km AMTD.

Managed by Unity Water

Scale9.8 ML/day
Population serviced43,708
Treatment levelSecondary
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The monthly average of assessable pollutants and total flow volume in Nambour on

IndIndicatorIndicator MeasMeasMeasure JanJanuary FebFebruary MarMarch AprApril MayMay JunJune JulJuly AugAugust SepSeptember OctOctober NovNovember DecDecember

The monthly average of assessable pollutants and total flow volume in Nambour on

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